Publisher's Synopsis
Published by Sinauer Associates, an imprint of Oxford University Press. Designed to be self-teaching, A Primer of Population Biology shows how to apply simple mathematical models in population biology, shows how to construct such models, and provides a sense of the creative work in this field. Numerical problems throughout the text enable readers to test their growing mastery of the subject. The major topics are population genetics, population and community ecology, and species equilibrium theory. Building from basic principles to advanced topics, the Primer fills a gap between introductory biology texts and advanced works in population biology. It can serve as a primary textbook for elementary courses in population biology. Or, in courses on genetics, evolution and ecology--where there is a need for all students to start at a reasonably high level of competence--it can serve as a supplementary text. The Primer introduces many advanced topics at the elementary level without loss of rigor: genetic drift, measurement of rates of evolution, competition theory, reproductive value, and the theory of species equilibrium.