Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions

Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions - Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions

Paperback (01 Jun 1975) | English,Spanish

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Publisher's Synopsis

The goal of the Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions is to document in photographs and detailed line drawings all known Maya inscriptions and their associated figurative art. When complete, the Corpus will have published the inscriptions from over 200 sites and 2,000 monuments. The series has been instrumental in the remarkable success of the ongoing process of deciphering Maya writing, making available hundreds of texts to epigraphers working around the world.

Volume 1 includes a Spanish translation of the Introduction text and six appendices: sources of sculpture and their codes; list of abbreviations and symbols used in the Corpus series; table of tun-endings between and; a complete Calendar Round in tabular form, giving the position of tun-endings between and; a method for the quick computation of Calendar Round position, by John S. Justeson; and Moon Age tables, by Lawrence Roys.

About the Publisher

Peabody Museum Press

Founded in 1913, Harvard University Press is the publisher of such classic works as John Rawls's A Theory of Justice, E. O. Wilson's On Human Nature, and Helen Vendler's Dickinson. The Press continues to be a leading publisher of convergent works in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences, while also taking bold steps in exciting new directions, from innovative partnerships, to a diverse translation program, to an expanded commitment to facilitating scholarly conversation around the globe.

Book information

ISBN: 9780873657792
Publisher: Harvard University Press
Imprint: Peabody Museum Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 972
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English,Spanish
Number of pages: 64
Weight: 578g
Height: 308mm
Width: 382mm
Spine width: 10mm