Sea of Troubles The European Conquest of the Islamic Mediterranean and the Origins of the First World War, C. 1750-1918

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Publisher's Synopsis

In the mid-eighteenth century, most of the Mediterranean coastline and its hinterlands were controlled by the Ottoman Empire, a vast Islamic power regarded by Christian Europe with awe and fear. By the end of the First World War, however, this great civilisation had been completely subjugated, and its territories occupied by European powers. Sea of Troubles is the definitive account of the European conquest of the Levant and North Africa over three centuries. Ian Rutledge reveals the intense imperial rivalry between six European powers - Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Austria-Hungary and Russia - who all jostled for control of the trade, lands and wealth of the Islamic Mediterranean. The competition between these states made their conquest a far more difficult and extended task than they encountered elsewhere in the world. Yet, as new contenders entered the contest, and as rivalries intensified in the early twentieth century, events would spiral out of control as the continent headed towards the First World War.

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Saqi Books

"Anyone interested in Arab culture is aware of the invaluable role Saqi plays in making available pioneering, specialist and often controversial books that large publishers refuse to go near." The Times "Still issuing titles that stimulate and challenge - books with editorial audacity" Independent Saqi Books is an independent publishing house of quality general interest and academic books on North Africa and the Middle East. Founded in 1983 in London, Saqi's links with cutting edge and authoritative voices have led to a rigorous reassessment of Arab cultural heritage.

Book information

ISBN: 9780863569555
Publisher: Saqi Books
Imprint: Saqi Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 909.09822
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 576
Weight: -1g