Breeding Superman

Breeding Superman Nietzsche, Race and Eugenics in Edwardian and Interwar Britain - Studies in Social and Political Thought

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Publisher's Synopsis

Before the First World War there existed an intellectual turmoil in Britain as great as any in Germany, France or Russia, as the debates over Nietzsche and eugenics in the context of early modernism reveal. With the rise of fascism after 1918, these debates became more ideologically driven, with science and vitalist philosophy being hailed in some quarters as saviours from bourgeois decadence, vituperated in others as heralding the onset of barbarism. Breeding Superman looks at several of the leading Nietzscheans and eugenicists, and challenges the long-cherished belief that British intellectuals were fundamentally uninterested in race. The result is a study of radical ideas which are conventionally written out of histories of the politics and culture of the period.

About the Publisher

Liverpool University Press

Book information

ISBN: 9780853239970
Publisher: Liverpool University Press
Imprint: Liverpool University Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 320.533094109041
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 197
Weight: 324g
Height: 234mm
Width: 156mm
Spine width: 19mm