Publisher's Synopsis
Large-scale electronic messaging encompasses a lot more than e-mail, although e-mail's importance is clear-it is the number one Internet application. "Enterprisewide" messaging systems include e-mail, voice mail, commercial online services, computer fax capabilities, EDI, e-forms, directory services, groupware, paging-any communications technology that allows any organization to electronically do business. Electronic messaging is a fundamental component of the enterprise information architecture. Dependent on the Wide Area Network (WAN), a successful electronic messaging system is a key enabler of the "virtual" enterprise and electronic commerce.
The Handbook of Electronic Messaging is a "consultant in a book" resource for any organization that is
Poising itself in the next 12 months to move away from proprietary systems and adopt a universal "mailbox" strategy
Standardizing its current internal messaging environments on fewer platforms and technologies in an effort to streamline support for mission-critical applications
The Handbook of Electronic Messaging gives solid technical information on building and managing an electronic messaging environment, with emphasis on:
Comparing features and functions of today's most popular messaging systems
Preparing to conduct business electronically
Building a standards-compliant messaging infrastructure for global connectivity
Successfully managing/monitoring large, enterprisewide messaging systems