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Compassionate Healer

Compassionate Healer - Jesus 101 Bible Studies

Paperback (07 Oct 2005)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Acts of compassion have the potential to heal wounds, restore relationships, dispel hatred and curb violence. No one person embodied God's heart of compassion for people in distress more than Jesus of Nazareth. His heart broke for the sick, the poor, the hungry, the outcast and the weary. And in your pain and grief, confusion and suffering, Jesus can meet you with healing grace and love. Bill Donahue and Keri Wyatt Kent ask, "Are you ready to meet the Compassionate Healer?" The Jesus 101 Series engages both mind and heart. The sessions bring a fresh perspective on who Jesus is, how he interacted with people in Scripture and how he relates to us. The discussion questions are designed particularly to help a group to learn from each other but also to provide an interesting context for individual reflection. As you discover the ways Jesus fulfills our lives, you may fall in love with him again--or for the first time.

Book information

ISBN: 9780830821563
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
Imprint: InterVarsity Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 232
Language: English
Number of pages: 64
Weight: 82g
Height: 214mm
Width: 161mm
Spine width: 4mm