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Beshaah Shehikdimu 5672 Booklet #21 Maamorim 75-78

Beshaah Shehikdimu 5672 Booklet #21 Maamorim 75-78

Paperback (23 Feb 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

HEBREW only. The twenty first booklet of the new and improved edition of the famous Chassidic Discourses series "Beshaah Shehikdimu-5672" (Ayin Beis), by Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneersohn, fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe. The new edition includes new punctuation and paragraph-breaks, as well as extended footnotes. This booklet contains Maamarim 75 - 78 of this series. They are, from 5674, Ani L'Dodi (I am to my Beloved, meaning Hashem), and Atem Nitzavim (you are all standing), and from 5765, Tiku Bachodesh Shofar (sound on the new moon the Shofar) and Lama Tokayin.

Book information

ISBN: 9780826661005
Publisher: Kehot Publication Society
Imprint: Kehot Publication Society
Pub date:
Language: English