
Rendicion El Corazon En Paz Con Dios

Paperback (01 May 2006)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Para un cristiano, ondear la bandera blanca no significa: -Me rindo-. Significa: -Al fin la victoria!- El primer paso hacia una vida espiritual mas profunda, mas rica y victoriosa es la rendicion. Cuando un cristiano rinde su corazon, su alma, su cuerpo y sus ambiciones, deja la puerta abierta para que Dios pueda ayudarle plenamente a triunfar. [The first volume of three in the series Revive Our Hearts, calling women to freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ. For a Christian, waving the white flag doesn't mean, -I give up!- It means -Victory at last!- The first step towards a deeper, richer, victorious spiritual life is to surrender. When a Christian surrenders their heart, soul, body, and ambitions to God, it is then that the door is opened so He can fully help you triumph. Available in English from Moody Publishers.]

Book information

ISBN: 9780825411861
Publisher: Portavoz
Imprint: Portavoz
Pub date:
Weight: 172g
Height: 199mm
Width: 139mm
Spine width: 8mm