Countdown to Halloween

Countdown to Halloween

Board Book (04 Aug 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A fun read-aloud that follows a black kitten counting down to Halloween with classic holiday characters like not-so-scary spiders and fluffy bats.
Each day kitty sees something new: 10 pumpkins, 9 not-so-scary spiders, 8 fluffy bats, 7 ghosts, 6 mice, 5 recipe books, 4 bubbling cauldrons, 3 skeletons, 2 brooms and 1 big moon that leads to Halloween. When the big day arrives, kitty dresses up in a mask and a kind witch hands out candy.
Whimsical and detailed illustrations make this a fun and interactive counting book for young children and toddlers. Perfect for parents who want to enjoy Halloween with their young children or babies without including anything frightening.

Book information

ISBN: 9780824919566
Publisher: Worthy
Imprint: WorthyKids
Pub date:
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Weight: 263g
Height: 203mm
Width: 184mm
Spine width: 13mm