
Ramanujan Twelve Lectures on Subjects Suggested by His Life and Work - AMS Chelsea Publishing

3rd (corrected) Edition

Hardback (30 Nov 1999)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Ramanujan occupies a unique place in analytic number theory. His formulas, identities, and calculations are still amazing three-quarters of a century after his death. Many of his discoveries seem to have appeared as if from the ether. His mentor and primary collaborator was the famous G. H. Hardy. Here, Hardy collects twelve of his own lectures on topics stemming from Ramanujan's life and work. The topics include partitions, hypergeometric series, Ramanujan's $\tau$-function and round numbers. Hardy was the first to recognize the brilliance of Ramanujan's ideas. As one of the great mathematicians of the time, it is fascinating to read Hardy's accounts of their importance and influence. The book concludes with a chapter by chapter overview written by Bruce C. Berndt. In this overview, Berndt gives references to current literature, developments since Hardy's original lectures, and background information on Ramanujan's research, including his unpublished papers.

Book information

ISBN: 9780821820230
Publisher: American Mathematical Society
Imprint: American Mathematical Society
Pub date:
Edition: 3rd (corrected) Edition
DEWEY: 510
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 254
Weight: 528g
Height: 163mm
Width: 236mm
Spine width: 18mm