Increasing Access to Rural Finance in Bangladesh

Increasing Access to Rural Finance in Bangladesh The Forgotten "Missing Middle" - Directions in Development. Finance

Paperback (25 Oct 2007)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Increasing Access to Rural Finance in Bangladesh examines the legal, regulatory, and institutional constraints faced by state-owned agricultural banks, private banks, and microfinance institutions in providing financial services to the ""missing middle"" in Bangladesh. It also analyzes the constraints that traditional, multiperil crop insurance schemes face when serving marginal, small, and medium-size farmers. Finally, the book offers suggestions to improve rural financial access with innovations and reforms in the banking, microfinance, and insurance sectors, among others.

Book information

ISBN: 9780821373330
Publisher: World Bank Group Publications
Imprint: The World Bank
Pub date:
DEWEY: 332.71095492
DEWEY edition: 22
Number of pages: 156
Weight: 256g
Height: 227mm
Width: 154mm
Spine width: 9mm