Feminist Accountability

Feminist Accountability Disrupting Violence and Transforming Power - NYU Scholarship Online

eBook (19 Sep 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This work is divided into three sections: The first section explores practices of accountability that embrace critical engagement of the power lines that shape our identities, relationships, and communities as we engage in feminist movement building and social change. The second section explores the concept and practice of community accountability and transformative justice within the context of U.S.-based feminist antiviolence movements. It introduces the feminist-of-colour led efforts to shift from the dominant paradigm of institutionalized social services and carceral legal reform to community-based support, intervention, accountability, and transformation. The third section explores how a framework of feminist accountability can serve to disrupt and disentangle US-based feminist storytelling about the issues facing women of the global south from US imperial logics.

Book information

ISBN: 9780814777176
Publisher: New York University Press
Imprint: New York University Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 305.42
DEWEY edition: 23