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Get Weird!

Get Weird! 101 Innovative Ways to Make Your Company a Great Place to Work

Paperback (21 May 2001)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This little book has a serious purpose: it is filled with dozens of easy, creative ways to recruit, retain, train, motivate and reward employees. The philosophy behind "Get Weird!" is lighten up, have some fun and make your company a "great" place to work. Included are 101 techniques for motivating, innovating and problem-solving, organized into logical components, such as: winning today' talent; the care and feeding of talent; changing a company's culture; rewarding through perks, pay and pats on the back; and enhancing your company image to customers and prospective talent.;Readers should enjoy stimulating their own creativity by perusing and using some of these crazy ideas, for example: "get out of jail free" card; opportunity knocks; homecoming celebration; bozo filters; headhunters hostage pay; galloping gourmets; rock me baby!; chain letters; camp MED; and more. The need to recruit and retain good people remains the "key" for employers as unemployment remains at a 30-year low.

Book information

ISBN: 9780814471142
Publisher: AMACOM
Imprint: AMACOM
Pub date:
DEWEY: 658.31423
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 188
Weight: 342g
Height: 230mm
Width: 154mm
Spine width: 16mm