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Photographer's Guide to the Grand Canyon and Northern Arizona

Photographer's Guide to the Grand Canyon and Northern Arizona

1st Edition

Paperback (01 Feb 2001)

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Publisher's Synopsis

  • Illustrated with stunning Arizona scenics
  • Expert advice on equipment and techniques

    Photographers can find a wealth of wonderful images in the landscapes of the Grand Canyon and Northern Arizona: spectacular canyons, towering spires, picturesque arches, and colorful dunes. Now they can make the most of their visits to the parks with the help of the expert information in this first-ever guide to the Grand Canyon and northern Arizona especially for photographers. Where and when to go, how to find the best shots, what equipment to take and techniques to use, park rules and regulations, how to avoid the crowds-all illustrated with brilliant color images.

  • Book information

    ISBN: 9780811729000
    Publisher: Stackpole Books
    Imprint: Stackpole Books
    Pub date:
    Edition: 1st Edition
    DEWEY: 917.9132
    DEWEY edition: 21
    Language: English
    Number of pages: 122
    Weight: 305g
    Height: 230mm
    Width: 150mm
    Spine width: 10mm