Moving Water

Moving Water A Fly Fisher's Guide to Currents

1st Edition

Hardback (01 Oct 2012)

  • $26.07
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Publisher's Synopsis

  • The most comprehensive book on how current affects fly fishing, the good and bad of drag, which casts and techniques to use when, and much more
  • Nymph fishing and accounting for variations in current speed at different depths
  • How even small movements of water can change your fly's movement, and what to do about it
  • The effects of turbulence on water temperature and oxygen content
  • How mayflies, stoneflies, and midges are affected by the water in which they live
  • Trout's evolutionary and day-to-day responses to current
  • Fishing drop-offs, midstream obstructions, and sweepers
  • Book information

    ISBN: 9780811710220
    Publisher: Stackpole Books
    Imprint: Stackpole Books
    Pub date:
    Edition: 1st Edition
    DEWEY: 639.2757
    DEWEY edition: 23
    Language: English
    Number of pages: 209
    Weight: 454g
    Height: 229mm
    Width: 153mm
    Spine width: 12mm