Publisher's Synopsis
Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton made history with their radical witness to love of God and neighbor. Even so, the story of their relationship has not come center stage-until now. The first-ever pairing of their journals reveals that Merton meditated on her Catholic Worker movement's devotion to prayer, peace, and "the least," while Day wrote, "I must pray to him," upon the death of this monk whose books vividly evoke the spiritual life. Their personal papers, and those of their soulmates-here mined for the first time-also yield revelations. For instance, Merton's early spiritual advisor, civil rights pioneer Catherine de Hueck Doherty, turns out to have been mentored by Day. These three social justice advocates even said we are all called to be saints,despite our major imperfections, and because we are beloved by God. Timely and timeless, this book offers evocative insights into living with integrity despite the odds.