Church Administration Handbook

Church Administration Handbook

Paperback (01 Jan 2008)

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Publisher's Synopsis

What's new about this third edition of the long respected and often used Church Administration Handbook? In addition to time and technological-sensitive updates to the basic organizational details, editor Bruce Powers writes:"The needs of people and churches have continued to change, with questions now being raised about the quality of congregational life, nature of leadership, and responsibility for ministry among all believers . . . As we have prepared this edition, we have sought to address five primary needs. 1. Leadership skills and administrative tools that can be adapted for use in a variety of contexts from traditional to contemporary, from rural to urban, and from unicultural to multicultural settings; 2. Spiritual formation that relates to all of life (from birth to death);3. Mission consciousness (in community, regionally, nationally, and globally);4. Ministry of all believers (particularly calling out and equipping vocational, bivocational, and lay ministers); and5. Leadership competence (the ability to inspire, motivate, and equip the saints for the work of ministry).".

Book information

ISBN: 9780805444902
Publisher: B&H Publishing Group
Imprint: B&H Academic
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 352
Weight: 576g
Height: 236mm
Width: 22mm
Spine width: 157mm