Parenting With Kingdom Purpose

Parenting With Kingdom Purpose

Paperback (01 Jun 2005)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"What if we raise our children to gain the world but in the process they forfeit their souls?" ask the writers of Parenting with Kingdom Purpose (True Love Waits founder Richard Ross and best-selling author Ken Hemphill).Indeed, children are a constant reminder of God's goodness. In that light, Christian parents are called to celebrate and nurture the unique personality traits and talents of each precious one with a gracious and eternal perspective. Yet studies indicate 70 percent of teenagers from evangelical homes will drop out of church within two years after high school graduation. What the world has to offer will win their closer attention.Parenting with Kingdom Purpose looks at Bible teaching and the recent National Study of Youth and Religion to shape a fresh approach to raising children that cuts through the chaos of modern life and brings families closest to each other and the Lord.

Book information

ISBN: 9780805432992
Publisher: B&H Publishing Group
Imprint: B&H Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 248.845
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 164
Weight: 204g
Height: 213mm
Width: 36mm
Spine width: 134mm