The Promise of Provision

The Promise of Provision Living and Giving from God's Abundant Supply

Paperback (01 Nov 2011)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Beloved Bible Teacher Reveals the Secret to Receiving God's Abundance

In an age in which so many have so much, and most want more, what does the word abundance really mean? What does God have to say about it? And how can Chrisitians find and walk in it?

Respected author and teacher Derek Prince, with his trademark methodical approach, brings his wisdom and insight to the topic of God's abundance. He explains what abundance consists of and how believers can break the curse of poverty and step into a life of freedom. Prince also lays out the biblical conditions necessary to receiving this supernatural provision, giving Christians a practical guide to walking in God's generous abundance and Kingdom blessings.

Book information

ISBN: 9780800795221
Publisher: Baker Publishing Group
Imprint: Chosen Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 231.5
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 186
Weight: 249g
Height: 213mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 15mm