Mark as Story: An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel, Third Edition

Mark as Story: An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel, Third Edition

Third edition

Paperback (01 Apr 2012)

  • $27.42
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Publisher's Synopsis

For 30 years, this book has introduced readers to the rhetorical and narrative skill that makes Mark so arresting and compelling a story. Rhoads, Dewey, and Michie have helped to pioneer our appreciation of the Gospels, and Mark in particular, as narratives originally created in an oral culture and for oral performance.

Book information

ISBN: 9780800699093
Publisher: Fortress Press
Imprint: Fortress Press
Pub date:
Edition: Third edition
DEWEY: 226.3066
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Weight: 312g
Height: 227mm
Width: 155mm
Spine width: 12mm