World According to Julius Malema

World According to Julius Malema

eBook (01 Apr 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In late 2009, well-known journalists Max du Preez and Mandy Rossouw compiled a range of around 80 famous and infamous sayings by Julius Malema, then-leader of the ANC Youth League. What did he have to say back then about Zille, Zuma, women (all three still some of his favourite subjects), not to mention Nando's? And what did his words then reveal about the new generation of the ANC and where the government was heading? In a foreword to the book, du Preez and Rossouw explore and examine the meaning behind Malema's words and why his presence could point to a new direction within the ANC.

Book information

ISBN: 9780795703607
Publisher: Kwela
Imprint: Kwela
Pub date:
Number of pages: 128
Weight: -1g