Publisher's Synopsis
Concentrates on control methods and devices, from servomechanisms and regulators to automatic controls, for dynamic systems involving forces, motion and/or the flow of energy or material. Printed collection on 94 full-length, peer-reviewed technical papers. Topics include: Nonlinear ControlNonlinear Estimation and ControlOptimization and Optimal ControlPiezoelectric Actuation and Nanoscale ControlRobotic ManipulatorsRobotics and ManipulatorsSensingSystem Identification and Estimation for Automotive ApplicationsSystem Identification and ModelingSystem Identification and Therapeutic Control in Bio-SystemsVariable Structure/Sliding-mode ControlVehicles and Human RoboticsVehicle Dynamics and ControlVehicle Path Planning and Collision AvoidanceVibrational and Mechanical SystemsWind Energy Systems and Control.