I'd Kill for You

I'd Kill for You

Paperback (24 Feb 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

After her mother's untimely death, Clara Schwartz became distant, withdrawn. Her father, a renowned DNA researcher, lived in a farmhouse outside Leesburg, Virginia, where in December 2001, he was fatally stabbed by what seemed to be a ninja-style sword. Police arrested Kyle Hulbert, a troubled teen--and aspiring vampire. Kyle was Clara's friend, one of a circle obsessed with role-playing games.

Drawing on exclusive interviews with the killer, bestselling author M. William Phelps reveals a frightening subculture, the tragic collision of two young people's dark worlds, and its deadly consequences.

Includes 16 Pages Of Dramatic Photos

Book information

ISBN: 9780786034970
Publisher: Kensington
Imprint: Pinnacle Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 364.15230922
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 496
Weight: 206g
Height: 105mm
Width: 170mm
Spine width: 32mm