Publisher's Synopsis
For over 100 years Training for Service has equipped more than 1 million volunteers for Bible teaching. This 26-session Bible overview--designed to equip lay leaders to serve as elders, Sunday school teachers, small group facilitators, and in other positions of service in the church--can be completed as a group study or a self-study. The Training for Service Leader Guide includes the full text of the Student Guide, featuring:
- 26 lessons that survey the Bible
- Questions to answer at the end of each lesson
- Pronunciation guide
- Maps
- Charts
- Diagrams
In addition to the full text of the Student Guide, The Training for Service Leader Guide includes the material needed to lead the 26-session Bible survey course and to certify students for positions of Christian service:
- Step-by-step lesson plans
- Class activities and reproducible worksheets for lesson use
- Reproducible final exam
- Reproducible course completion certificate
The church depends on volunteer workers to staff educational ministries. This Bible survey course academically prepares Sunday school teachers, small group leaders, and other volunteers for Christian service. The Training for Service Leader's Guide also includes access to, which provides reproducible
- Student worksheets
- Exams
- Modifiable course-completion certificates