Workers and Canadian History

Workers and Canadian History

eBook (03 Oct 1995)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Kealey provides an overview of the study of workers in Canada as well as in-depth examinations of two of the field's leading scholars, political economist Clare Pentland and Marxist historian Stanley Brehaut Ryerson. He analyses the development of Canadian labour history in particular and social history in general, and provides detailed empirical studies of the Orange Order in Toronto, printers and their unions, the Knights of Labor, and the Canadian labour revolt of 1919. The collection concludes with three synthetic views of Canadian working-class history focusing on the labour movement, the role of strikes, and attempts by the state to manage class conflict.

Book information

ISBN: 9780773565678
Publisher: MQUP
Imprint: MQUP
Pub date:
Number of pages: 408
Weight: -1g