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Big Math Little Kids Kindergarten Student Book 3 Dobee Doubler 5 Pack 2003

Big Math Little Kids Kindergarten Student Book 3 Dobee Doubler 5 Pack 2003 - Big Math for Little Kids

Paperback (22 Apr 2002)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Big Math for Little Kids is a comprehensive and enjoyable mathematics program that builds upon what young children already know and are capable of doing mathematically. It is based on research and field-testing in early childhood classrooms so the materials and concepts are developmentally appropriate for pre-school and kindergarten-age youngsters. Big Math for Little Kids will prepare children for math success in the first grade and beyond. It also features step-by-step guidance for teachers.

Book information

ISBN: 9780769030425
Publisher: Dale Seymour Publications
Imprint: Dale Seymour Publications
Pub date:
DEWEY: 510
Weight: 311g
Height: 276mm
Width: 217mm
Spine width: 8mm