Una Espiritualidad Para Catequistas

Una Espiritualidad Para Catequistas A Spirituality for Catechists - Servicio Del Pueblo De Dios

Paperback (01 Mar 2004) | English,Spanish

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Publisher's Synopsis

These four titles describe the spirituality that has to exist in every person that serves God's community. This service reflects a profound love of the Scriptures and the traditions of the Church. Through this love a minister shares in the mission of Jesus Christ because of his/her desire to serve the community. True spirituality is based on a personal relationship with Jesus that can attract more people to God and help them understand God's plan for them. Every minister should cultivate awareness of the profound spiritual dimensions of everyday life. By embracing a spirituality that proclaims the presence of God in the world, a minister can lead others to experience God more deeply in their own lives.

Book information

ISBN: 9780764810855
Publisher: Liguori Publications
Imprint: Liguori Publications
Pub date:
Language: English,Spanish
Number of pages: 48
Weight: 45g
Height: 178mm
Width: 110mm
Spine width: 4mm