Publisher's Synopsis
You have what you believe is a private thought—until somebody who is with you gives voice to exactly what you were thinking about! Moments like this happen to everyone, and it's easy to write them off as coincidences. Not so fast, advises author Rob MacGregor. He explains several different kinds of unusual mental experiences and argues convincingly that many of them suggest the existence of psychic powers. Then, he takes his readers several steps further, advising on how all men and women, regardless of age, can develop their own psychic powers. He discusses—
He also presents a balanced overview of the running debate between psychics and those scientists who assert that psychic events are violations of nature, and thus do not exist. MacGregor insists that while all people have psychic potential, psychic skills need to be developed in order to be used effectively to our benefit. Learning to use psychic skills is the main focus of this intriguing book. It is written for beginners who want to develop their intuitive abilities and explore their inner powers. Handsomely produced, Psychic Power features attractive two-color typography. The accompanying audio CD with background music takes beginners step-by-step through exercises in breathing and muscle relaxation, then proceeds to mental exercises in which participants imagine themselves in different locations.