Publisher's Synopsis
Fairy Queen of Snots
What a gas!”
Fairy O. Hara, author of Gone Is the Wind
This book makes great readingand even better toilet paper!”
I.C. Butts, President of S.T.I.N.K. (Society to Inform Nice Kids)
Say the word fairies” and it conjures up images of little winged beings made of gossamer and light, exquisitely dressed in shimmering gowns or twirly, little bejeweled skating costumes. Well, you haven’t met The Flim-Flam Fairies. Be prepared for the crazy antics of the Fart Fairy, Snot Fairy, Dirty Underwear Fairy, as well as a few other less-than-enchanting fairies as they persuade their way into and out of children’s lives in attempts to take over the Tooth Fairy’s under-the-pillow enterprise. A silly story that will have the kids howling into their pillows with laughter!