Publisher's Synopsis
As imperfect human beings, we often face ethical and moral challenges as we relate with others on a daily basis, be it with our office mates, our Facebook friends, or our best friend since grade school. In this riveting and insightful tour of the meaning and purpose of connection, Matousek draws from personal experience, interviews, and letters from readers to provide a reservoir rich in wisdom about friendship, commitment, honesty, greed, jealousy, loyalty, competition, imitation, abandonment, and reconciliation. In twenty-four succinct essays, each followed by thought-provoking questions, he examines a plethora of moral dilemmas, including: What to Do When You Can't Stand Your Friends' Children What to Do When Your Friend's Spouse Comes on to You How to Deal with Friends Who Don't Listen When Is Talking About Your Friend Considered Gossiping? Can Women and Men Really Be