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Sudoku X Book 1

Sudoku X Book 1 The Only Puzzle With the 'X' Factor

Paperback (25 Jul 2005)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Sudoku X is a brand new and irresistible twist on the sensational worldwide puzzle craze. It offers something new that no other Sudoku puzzle has offered before, the instantly recognisable 'X' formed by the diagonals.

This first Sudoku X book includes 100 puzzles, varying in difficulty, and also in shape and size. As well as the classic 9-by-9 grid, there are 6-by-6 and 8-by-8 grids - all featuring Sudoku X's unique diagonal gameplay.

This book will be a must-have for seasoned gamers looking for a new challenge but it also includes a full how-to section making it accessible to players who are new to Sudoku.

Sudoku X is the essential fix for the millions of Sudoku addicts, both in the UK and overseas.

Book information

ISBN: 9780755315017
Publisher: Headline Publishing Group
Imprint: Headline
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 122g
Height: 196mm
Width: 129mm
Spine width: 11mm