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The Crystal Zodiac

The Crystal Zodiac Use Birthstones to Enhance Your Life

Paperback (12 Jan 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Birthstones have been used for millennia for luck, abundance, protection, and wisdom. Traditionally, crystals and gemstones were linked to specific astrological signs because their energies resonated. The discovery of new crystals has opened the way for a deeper connection between the earth and the sky. Each sign now has many crystals associated with it. This book describes the crystals linked to each sign and explains how they can be used to enhance self-understanding and personal growth. Crystals can be used to bring out a sign's potential, overcome challenges, and harmonize discords. They can be used for profound soul growth or for guidance on everyday decisions. Birthstones are gifts from the earth that bring healing and wisdom. For each astrological sign, there are past-life patterns to be dissolved and wisdom to be regained. The use of appropriate crystals facilitates this process. In addition to explaining the links between crystals and both sun and moon signs, The Crystal Zodiac explains the crystals associated with the planets and gives instructions for laying out and working with a crystal zodiac mandala.

Book information

ISBN: 9780753729243
Publisher: Octopus
Imprint: Bounty
Pub date:
DEWEY: 133.5
DEWEY edition: 23
Number of pages: 144
Weight: 406g
Height: 235mm
Width: 191mm
Spine width: 7mm