Our East End

Our East End

Large type / large print

Hardback (01 Feb 2010)

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Paperback (11 Jun 2009) RRP $13.77 $12.63

Publisher's Synopsis

This fascinating oral history of London's East End spans the period after the First World War to the rise of prosperity at the beginning of the 60s, right up to the present day - an era that saw fresh waves of immigrants settle in the area, the Fascist marches of the 30s and the devastation of war. Piers Dudgeon has listened to the people who remember this fiercely proud quarter and recorded their real-life experiences of what it was like to live in a community so strong that not even virtual obliteration during the Blitz could break it.

Book information

ISBN: 9780750531269
Publisher: Library Magna Books
Imprint: Magna
Pub date:
Edition: Large type / large print
DEWEY: 942.150099
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 377
Weight: -1g
Height: 235mm
Width: 150mm