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Delusion in Death

Delusion in Death - In Death

1st paperback ed

Paperback (02 Apr 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

'What would cause someone to want so many people, surely many of them strangers, to slaughter each other?'

The scene that greets Lieutenant Eve Dallas one terrible evening in New York is more shocking than she has ever witnessed. The downtown bar is strewn with bodies - office workers who have been sliced, bludgeoned or hacked to death with the nearest weapon available, turning on each other in a desperate blinding rage.

As Eve and her husband Roarke - who owns the bar among his many properties - investigate the city, they link the attacks back to the Urban Wars and the chemical warfare used all those years ago. With another slaughter imminent, Eve must turn to unexpected sources to stop a killer pursuing revenge by creating mass carnage . . .

About the Publisher


Little, Brown is the literary hardback imprint that feeds into our Abacus paperback list. We publish across a wide range of areas, including fiction, history, memoir, science and travel, but within this diverse list the vast majority of books have in common a strong narrative and a distinctive voice.

Book information

ISBN: 9780749955175
Publisher: Little, Brown
Imprint: Piatkus
Pub date:
Edition: 1st paperback ed
DEWEY: 813.6
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 441
Weight: 370g
Height: 197mm
Width: 159mm
Spine width: 36mm