Publisher's Synopsis
The signs are that the 1990s will be the decade in which consumer choice takes account of the need for corporate as well as government decisions to reflect progressive social policy.;This report, "Changing Corporate Values", is an empirically researched reference book to outline and evaluate a social, as opposed to financial, assessment of current corporate performance of Britain's top companies.;128 companies are profiled; they all have a British interest, but more than half are multi-nationals and all are major suppliers of consumer goods and services. Their activities are analyzed across the key areas of public concern which include: environmental policy, animal testing, military sales, involvement in nuclear power, equal opportunities, disclosure of information, relationship with the Third World and more.;The book is divided into four parts. Part 1 gives a general perspective on the changing face of consumer society; a detailed description of the general issues in relation to corporate strategy and the rationale behind the research. Part 2 looks at the main categories of consumer spending as analyzed in the survey. Part 3 gives special attention to nine key areas of retailing. Part 4, the main body of the book, comprises the detailed company profiles. Extensive appendices offer further background information and indexes.