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Dreams Come True

Dreams Come True The Story of Margaret Hales

Paperback (01 Dec 1989)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The story of "Dreams Come True", a charity founded in the early 1980s by the energetic Margaret Hayles which seeks to turn the wishes of seriously ill children into reality.;It all started with a chance encounter. Margaret Hayles met a woman who happened to mention that her daughter, who was seriously ill with cancer, had one ambition: to meet Bob Champion, the jockey who had defeated his own cancer some years before. Margaret could not forget the little girl. Why should she not meet Bob Champion? So, with no idea how to get hold of him, she picked up the telephone.... and "Dreams Come True" was born.;Since its foundation, the charity has helped over 1000 children. The list of stars who have given freely of their time includes Madonna, George Michael, Boy George, Ian Botham, Annie Lennox, Paul McCartney, Nigel Mansell, Bob Geldof etc.;Here, Margaret tells of the pain, sadness and triumph of her work amongst these children, some of whom inevitably die and some, who against all the odds, survive.

Book information

ISBN: 9780747503255
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Imprint: Bloomsbury
Pub date:
DEWEY: 362.19892
DEWEY edition: 19
Number of pages: 169
Weight: -1g