Hollywood Wives

Hollywood Wives The New Generation

Paperback (07 May 2002)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Power! Sex! Money! Fame! - the new Hollywood wives are back with a vengeance. Ambitious, young, smart and lethal, whatever they don't have, they want - and whatever these women want, they get.
You will meet Lissa Roman, mega movie and singing star, her wild daughter Nicci, Michael Scorsinni, the handsome private investigator with an edge, and Taylor Singer, a sometime actress married to the Hollywood mogul.
Into their lives comes Eric Vernon, a dangerous psychopath with kidnapping on his mind...
Like the original, HOLLYWOOD WIVES - THE NEW GENERATION will shock and surprise, amuse and startle, taking readers on a roller-coaster ride of fun and suspense they won't soon forget.

Book information

ISBN: 9780743403832
Publisher: Pocket
Imprint: Pocket
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.914
DEWEY edition: 22
Number of pages: 490
Weight: 262g
Height: 178mm
Width: 111mm
Spine width: 174mm