Publisher's Synopsis
Reimagining responsibilities in the workplace, Stephen Wall and Shannon Rye Wall discuss the pivotal shift in business strategy-making that is currently underway and how it places leadership in employees at all levels.
Based on a ten-year study of more than 200 firms and 4,000-line managers and human resource professionals, The New Strategists presents research on how companies can incorporate the experience of every employee to become more focused, competitive, and responsive to changing markets.
Evolving out of the conventional wisdom of leadership in the 90s, this book goes beyond the boardroom, explaining just how companies can get all of their employees involved in the strategic process by moving the responsibility of planning to lower levels and building a participatory culture based on listening.
Looking at how collaborative strategy-making creates leaders at all levels of business, the Walls demonstrate how new strategists can lead the way and chart their company's path to future success.