Ani's 15-Day Fat Blast

Ani's 15-Day Fat Blast The Kick-Ass Plan to Get Lighter, Tighter, and Sexier-- Super Fast

eBook (01 May 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Looking for that one miracle diet that will simply melt pounds away? Here it is. Premiere raw food chef Ani Phyo breaks down the myths and preconceptions of eating raw and offers a revolutionary, easy plan to help you shed up to fifteen pounds in just fifteen days simply by eating delicious raw meals. The plan is simple: eat up and speed up the fat burning and weight loss by using simple, living, and all-natural ingredients with Ani's signature recipes. Look forward to not only losing weight, but also building muscle, boosting endurance, slowing down aging, and feeling energized all day long.

Book information

ISBN: 9780738215822
Publisher: Da Capo Press
Imprint: Da Capo Lifelong
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 256
Weight: -1g