Awesome Bible Verses Every Kid Should Know

Awesome Bible Verses Every Kid Should Know [--And What They Mean]

Paperback (01 Mar 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Now children ages 7 to 12 can enjoy the Bible's most important passages in a fun and engaging format. Youngsters will love its cartoon-like art, open layout, and kid-friendly language. Each two-page spread features…

  • a verse set in an appealing "Bible" graphic
  • a brief, accessible explanation and application of the passage
  • open-ended questions adults can use to help kids talk about their faith

This easy-to-use tool will help parents, Sunday school teachers, and other Christian workers sow the seeds of Scripture deeply into children's hearts.

Book information

ISBN: 9780736939386
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Imprint: Harvest Kids
Pub date:
DEWEY: 220
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 111
Weight: 116g
Height: 135mm
Width: 202mm
Spine width: 8mm