Publisher's Synopsis
Do you have what it takes to be the next Frank Lowy or DonaldTrump?
In An Intelligent Guide to Australian PropertyDevelopment, architect and successful international propertydeveloper Ron Forlee shares his many secrets to success in thishigh-risk, high-reward industry. With this practical 'how to'guide, you too may be able to capitalise on the next property boom,or even the next burst of the property bubble.
The book is the perfect introduction to the industry for novicedevelopers (although there's plenty of information for seasonedpractitioners, too), or those considering investing in propertydevelopment. It covers the whole gamut of residential andcommercial development, including:
- the attributes of successful developers
- how to reduce the risks in the development industry
- choosing a team of appropriate development consultants
- conducting a feasibility study, and calculating yourprofit
- selecting finance and managing your way to success
Property development is a risky business, but if it is plannedand managed correctly, the rewards for developers and investorsalike can be immense. This is the guide to help you succeed!