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Mathematical Models in Coastal Engineering

Mathematical Models in Coastal Engineering

Hardback (13 Apr 1988)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The book provides a basic methodology for the formulation and numerical solution of mathematical models in coastal engineering. First, the mathematical theory of waves is considered; the coastal circulation due to various generating factors, such as tide, wind, density variation and waves; finally pollutant advective diffusion and sediment transport in the surf zone and wider coastal domain. The book contains numerous illustrative worked examples with the corresponding computer listings in BASIC. The book will enable engineering consultants, researchers, and postgraduate students in coastal engineering and oceanography to apply the sophisticated techniques used in major coastal engineering works to small scale design using microcomputers.

Book information

ISBN: 9780727313133
Publisher: Pentech
Imprint: Wiley Blackwell
Pub date:
DEWEY: 551.4601
DEWEY edition: 19
Language: English
Number of pages: 166
Weight: 360g
Height: 42mm
Width: 22mm