Publisher's Synopsis
As every sports person knows, it's the winning that counts. But in any sporting contest there are actually two separate battles to be won - physical and mental. No athletes would dream of entering a competition in less than peak physical condition, but they are rarely mentally prepared to the same extent. Lack of mental discipline leads to loss of concentration, injury and defeat as much a lack of fitness.;In this book Joseph O'Connor demonstrates how to enter the "zone" - the state of mental flow where you perform at your absolute best - in both the field of competition and in the work place. It not only deals with learning to cope with failure but helps us to celebrate performance and gain positivity for our next challenge - whether it is with ourselves or a competitor.;The book applies Neuro Linguistic Programming to sports in general and is equally relevant for anyone wanting to improve their golf or tennis as well as professional athletes.;It includes the author's own work with top-class tennis players and golfers and his modelling work on coaching at the David Lloyd Centre.