Publisher's Synopsis
Subtle Energy is the Life force that is all around us. This is sometimes called 'Chi' or 'Prana' in India. In Starwars it was known as 'The Force'. It is spiritual energy.
This groundbreaking book explores the energy that is all around us and inside us. It is the energy that leaves the body at the point of death, the energy of feelings and emotions, the energy of coincidences. It is the energy that causes attraction and repulsion between people and allows healers to shrink tumours by laying their hands on a patient.
Scientist at the cutting edge are calling this energy 'Subtle Energy'. It is unseen, unheard and sometimes undetected by even the most sensitive scientific instruments. While mystics, healers and shamans have acknowledged its existence for hundreds of years, Western science is only just beginning to admit that it exists.
In this is first popular book to explore the subject as a whole. Collinge talks about the energies that we can measure,such as the electromagnetic field, as well as premonitions, and inexplicable feelings such as peace and wellness.