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How They Lived in a Sailing Ship of War

How They Lived in a Sailing Ship of War - How They Lived

Hardback (25 Sep 1981)

  • $18.20
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Publisher's Synopsis

From the How They Lived series - easy-to-read books in which historical settings are vividly described and drawn for young readers. Boys of ten or twelve years old served with the Royal Navy of Nelson's time, sharing all the hardships of life afloat, from rotting meat to the risk of scurvy. What part did they play in the everyday work of the ship? What were their duties when battle was joined? In the lively, approachable style of this commended series Ian Morrison draws a bold, vivid picture of life aboard Nelson's flagship at the time of Trafalgar.

Book information

ISBN: 9780718824419
Publisher: James Clarke & Co Ltd
Imprint: The Lutterworth Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 359.10941
DEWEY edition: 18
Language: English
Number of pages: 31
Weight: 467g
Height: 297mm
Width: 210mm
Spine width: 7mm