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Light My Fire

Light My Fire A Woman's Explicit Account of How She Revitalised Her Sex-Life and Rescued Her Long-Term Relationship

Book (03 Feb 1994)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A guide to reawakening passion in long-term relationships, this book is intended to help overcome the most common marital problem - loss of interest in sex. Sexual passion tends to fade over time and yet a continuing and mutually rewarding sex life is fundamentally important to the stability of marriage. The author deals with the aspects of everday life that affect sexual desire, responsiveness and pleasure. Arabella Melville draws on her own experiences and talks candidly about the knowledge she has gained from them. She covers the full range of relevant issues and shows readers how they can rekindle the joy and deepen the closeness of their relationships. By the author of "Eat Yourself Thin".

Book information

ISBN: 9780718136147
Publisher: Michael Joseph
Imprint: Michael Joseph
Pub date:
DEWEY: 306.7
DEWEY edition: 20
Language: English
Number of pages: 311
Weight: 454g
Height: 223mm
Width: 137mm
Spine width: 25mm