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Rachel's Favourite Food

Rachel's Favourite Food

Paperback (28 Sep 2004)

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Publisher's Synopsis

What am I going to cook tonight?'

Anyone who cooks regularly for friends, family or just for themselves will be very familiar with that question.

The difficult part is often not preparing the food - which can be enjoyable and simple - but coming up with ideas in the first place. Rachel's Favourite Food offers inspiring ideas for the different kinds of meals that make up each week, from Sunday brunch to simple comfort food, from great family meals to a dinner party for friends.

Based on the television series of the same name, Rachel's Favourite Food is an essential kitchen companion to everyone whose lifestyle demands flexibility, fresh thinking, good food - and all in a hurry. Great but simple recipes based on fresh ingredients that are widely available are combined with bright ideas for entertaining with flair while ensuring that it's all fun.

Not just an ordinary cookbook, but a treasure trove of ideas as well, Rachel's Favourite Food is bound to find an eager and enthusiastic readership.

Also by Rachel Allen: Rachel's Favourite Food for Friends

Book information

ISBN: 9780717138982
Publisher: Gill
Imprint: Gill Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 641.5
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 208
Weight: 662g
Height: 245mm
Width: 175mm
Spine width: 19mm