Publisher's Synopsis
David Curtis is a strong advocate of working on site, in all weathers, observing and capturing the changing conditions and effects. In this book, he explains in detail his two main methods for painting on location - for quick, loose studies and for more controlled and detailed paintings - and, additionally, he shows how to collect reference material on the spot and how to develop this into resolved pictures back in the studio.
The book includes: helpful advice on interpreting various light effects; practical guidance on choosing materials, exploring techniques, composition, tone and colour and associated topics; a wealth of sketches, finished works and demonstration paintings to illustrate different points and inspire further ideas.
- The Watercolour Medium: scope and characteristics, materials, exploring different techniques
- Developing Ideas: drawing and design, tone and pattern, colour intensity
- Inspired by Light: light and mood, light as a subject, highlights and shadows, painting in all weathers
- Subjects and Interpretations: boats, beaches, harbours, estuaries and rivers, landscapes, towns, figures
- Working Methods: plein air painting, the considered approach, the middle way, capturing the moment