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Peter Grant: The Man Who Led Zeppelin

Peter Grant: The Man Who Led Zeppelin

Paperback (06 Oct 2002)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Peter Grant changed the rules. He re-wrote the rulebook. He was larger than life. A giant who turned the game upside down. Fierce, uncompromising, with great humour - Robert PlantAn unforgettable history of the fifth member of Led Zeelin and the toughest rock manager of them all. Formerly tour manager for Chuck Berry, the Everly Brothers and Gene Vincent, Peter Grant made his name as the manager of Led Zeelin . Chris Welch separates fact from myth and uncovers his complete story from childhood in war torn London, to becoming a bouncer, doorman and wrestler and helping turn Zep into rock's biggest attraction of the 70s. Includes black and white photos.

About the Publisher

Omnibus Press

Over the succeeding decades Omnibus has published many best-selling definitive biographies on most of pop and most of rock's greatest superstars. Previous titles include Morrissey & Marr: The Severed Alliance by Johnny Rogan, The Dark Story of Eminem by Nick Hasted, Dear Boy: The Life Of Keith Moon by Tony Fletcher, Catch A Fire: The Life of Bob Marley by Timothy White, Little Girl Blue: The Life Of Karen Carpenter by Randy L. Schmidt, Under The Ivy: The Life & Music Of Kate Bush by Graeme Thomson, Muse: Out of this World (updated edition) by Mark Beaumont - all of which are regularly cited by magazines, fans and critics alike as being amongst the finest music artist related biographies ever published.

Book information

ISBN: 9780711991958
Publisher: Omnibus
Imprint: Omnibus Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 782.42166092
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 300
Weight: 294g
Height: 128mm
Width: 198mm
Spine width: 16mm