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Who's Going To Love You But Me 2

Who's Going To Love You But Me 2 - Who's Going to Love You But Me

Paperback (26 Feb 2016)

  • $17.47
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Publisher's Synopsis

"...I'm sorry for doing that to you. Do you still love me?" Kyle asked handing her a small opened box. In it was a shining gold diamond necklace. "Yes I still love you." Mya said carefully taking the box from his hands. HOW do you leave someone who's your sole provider? How do you love someone who constantly hurts you? For Mya, these questions run through her head daily. Having been alienated from her family and friends, the only person she can count on is Kyle... to hurt her, lie and cheat. WHEN a huge secret is revealed about Kyle, Mya knows that she wants out. Determined to leave, she creates a plan not knowing if she can keep herself safe from Kyle's desires for her. Wanting to leave everyone and everything behind her, she puts her plan into action not knowing that an old friend will appear to save her and help her in understanding what Love really means. Just when Mya knows that she's going to rebuild her life the right way, she learns that sometimes, old habits just won't go away that easily. Follow Mya on this urban tale of pain, heartbreak and REAL love.

Book information

ISBN: 9780692649770
Publisher: Melikia Gaino
Imprint: Melikia Gaino
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 186
Weight: 254g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 10mm